Account Transactions
This is the Transaction Menu:

Clicking the Enter Transactions button opens up a blank datasheet form that allows the manual entry of transactions. Upon clicking on the Edit Transactions button, dialogs appear requesting the Start and End Date range for retrieving previously entered transactions. Clicking the Paste Transactions button generates a dialog form allowing you to pick the Financial Institution into which downloaded transactions are to be paste. Access places paste errors into a separate table. Clicking Edit Paste Errors allows for correcting these errors. $IT allows you to choose "Account?" as a default/holding reference if you're not sure about the Account to charge when entering a transaction. Clicking the Transactions with Account? button brings up these transactions so you can edit these when you know which Account you want to charge. The Edit Payment Account Balances is there for convivence. It allows you to enter a Payment Account's balance while you are entering or editing transactions. See the Cash Projections page for more information on Payment Accounts.
Below is the transaction data sheet form that is used to Enter, Edit or Paste Transactions.

Column headings with a * indicate required fields. Account, FI Account (Financial Institution), and Transaction Tags are drop down lists. Month and Year are not editable and are there for filtering. Access datasheets allow filtering on all columns. Access also allows for text searching within columns. Column order can be changed by dragging a column to where you want it. Column sorting can also be changed. Downloads from Financial Institutions include descriptions. When pasting transactions, $IT examines the Description and, if previously entered and unique, derives the Account to charge. When pasting transactions the FI column is updated by $IT and it does not have to be entered. All required fields must be unique and $IT checks that there are no duplicates. View the related transaction video on the $IT Videos page.